Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AxleA class to represent an axle of a vehicle
CAboutDlgA class for the About Dialog
CarA class representing a car vehicle
CASTORFileA class for reading from, and writing to, CASTOR format files
CConfigDataA class for containing all of the configuration prameters for the program
CCSVParseA class to parse Comma Seperated Values input
CDistributionA class representing a distribution that can be saved to file
CEvolveTrafficAppA class for the applicaiton object
CEvolveTrafficDocA class that stores data relating to the parameters of a simulation
CEvolveTrafficViewA class for user interaction and drawing functions
CIDMParameterSetA class representing a set of IDM parameters that can be saved to file
CMemDCA class for flicker-free drawing in the window
CParameterA class represetning a single IDM parameter that can be saved to file
CPreferencesDlgA class for the User Preferences Dialog
CRoadFeatureA class for storing general Road Feature objects to file
CRoadFeaturesDlgA class for the Road Features Dialog
CSimConfigDlgA class for the Simulation Configurations Dialog
CStatDetectorA class for the general Detector object that can be saved to file
CStatDetectorDlgA class for the Detector Dialog
CTrafficConfigDlgA class for the IDM Model Configuration Dialog
CWindowToBMPA class for writing a windows content to a BMP file
DetectorA base class from which other, specific detectors are derived
DirectionA class representing a direction in a road
DriverModelA base class for representing driver models
FileHandlerA base class for handling file input and output
GradientA derived class to represent a gradient on a road
IDMA class representing the IDM driver model
LaneA class representing a lane in a road
LaneChangeDetectorA derived class to represent a detector that tracks lane changes
LaneChangeEventA container class to represent the relevant information from a lane change event
MetricsDetectorA derived class to represent a detector that tracks metrics information
MTRandA class for generating random numbers - Mersenne Twister
OutputDetectorA derived class representing a detector which tracks when vehicles pass a point
RoadA class to represent a road in the simulation
RoadSegmentA base class from which specific special road segments are derived
SAFTFileA class for reading from, and writing to, SAFT format files
SimA class to represent the simulation handler
SpeedLimitA derived class to represent a speed-limit section on a road
TruckA class to represent a Truck
VehicleA base class from which specific Vehicle types are derived

Generated on Wed Aug 20 00:48:41 2008 for EvolveTraffic by  doxygen 1.5.6