CRoadFeaturesDlg Class Reference

A class for the Road Features Dialog. More...

#include <RoadFeaturesDlg.h>

List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 CRoadFeaturesDlg (CWnd *pParent=NULL)
virtual void OnValidate (UINT &nID, CString &strMessage)

Public Attributes

int m_RoadLength
int m_nFixCols
int m_nFixRows
int m_nCols
int m_nRows
CObArray m_vRoadFeatures
CGridCtrl m_Grid

Protected Member Functions

virtual void DoDataExchange (CDataExchange *pDX)
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog ()
afx_msg void OnBtnAddfeat ()
afx_msg void OnBtnDelfeat ()
void OnGridEndEdit (NMHDR *pNotifyStruct, LRESULT *pResult)

Private Member Functions

WORD MapStringToType (CString str)
void SetParamData (int row, int col, double val)
void SetParamData (int row, int col, CString str)
CString MapTypeToString (WORD type)
void LoadFeaturesIntoGrid ()
void SetCells (bool bAddDelete)
void SetGridHeadings ()

Private Attributes

int m_NoFeatures
CStringArray m_sDirections
CStringArray m_sFeatureTypes
CStringArray m_sColumnHeaders

Detailed Description

A class for the Road Features Dialog.

Definition at line 19 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum


Definition at line 28 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.h.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CRoadFeaturesDlg::CRoadFeaturesDlg ( CWnd *  pParent = NULL  ) 

Definition at line 25 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References FIXED_COLUMNS, FIXED_ROWS, CConfigData::Road_Config::RoadFeatures_Config::Gradient, m_nCols, m_nFixCols, m_nFixRows, m_sColumnHeaders, m_sDirections, m_sFeatureTypes, CConfigData::Road_Config::RoadFeatures_Config::Gradient_Config::MAX_SLOPE, MAX_SLOPE, CConfigData::Road, CConfigData::Road_Config::RoadFeatures, CConfigData::Road_Config::RoadFeatures_Config::SpeedLimit, CConfigData::Road_Config::RoadFeatures_Config::SpeedLimit_Config::SPEEDLIMIT_MAX, SPEEDLIMIT_MAX, CConfigData::Road_Config::RoadFeatures_Config::SpeedLimit_Config::SPEEDLIMIT_MIN, and SPEEDLIMIT_MIN.

00026         : CDialogExt(CRoadFeaturesDlg::IDD, pParent)
00027 {
00028         //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CRoadFeaturesDlg)
00029                 // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
00030         //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
00032         MAX_SLOPE               = g_ConfigData.Road.RoadFeatures.Gradient.MAX_SLOPE;
00033         SPEEDLIMIT_MIN  = g_ConfigData.Road.RoadFeatures.SpeedLimit.SPEEDLIMIT_MIN;
00034         SPEEDLIMIT_MAX  = g_ConfigData.Road.RoadFeatures.SpeedLimit.SPEEDLIMIT_MAX;
00036         m_sFeatureTypes.Add("Speed Limit");
00037         m_sFeatureTypes.Add("Gradient");
00039         m_sDirections.Add("Positive x");
00040         m_sDirections.Add("Negative x");
00042         m_sColumnHeaders.Add("Type");
00043         m_sColumnHeaders.Add("Direction");
00044         m_sColumnHeaders.Add("Start (m)");
00045         m_sColumnHeaders.Add("End (m)");
00046         m_sColumnHeaders.Add("Value");
00048         m_nFixCols = FIXED_COLUMNS;
00049         m_nFixRows = FIXED_ROWS;        
00050         m_nCols = m_sColumnHeaders.GetSize() + m_nFixCols;
00051 }

Member Function Documentation

void CRoadFeaturesDlg::OnValidate ( UINT &  nID,
CString &  strMessage 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 103 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References FEAT_GRADIENT, FEAT_SPEEDLIMIT, CRoadFeature::getDirPos(), CRoadFeature::getEnd(), CRoadFeature::getStart(), CRoadFeature::getType(), CRoadFeature::getValue(), IDC_GRID, M_PER_S_TO_KM_PER_H, m_RoadLength, m_vRoadFeatures, MAX_SLOPE, CRoadFeature::setEnd(), CRoadFeature::setStart(), SPEEDLIMIT_MAX, and SPEEDLIMIT_MIN.

00104 {
00105         int nFeats = m_vRoadFeatures.GetSize();
00107         for(int i = 0; i < nFeats;  i++)
00108         {
00109                 CRoadFeature *pFeat = reinterpret_cast<CRoadFeature*>(m_vRoadFeatures.GetAt(i));
00111                 // In case the start specified is after the end, swap them
00112                 int FeatStart = pFeat->getStart();
00113                 int FeatEnd = pFeat->getEnd();
00114                 if(FeatStart > FeatEnd)
00115                 {
00116                         pFeat->setStart(FeatEnd);
00117                         pFeat->setEnd(FeatStart);
00118                         int temp = FeatStart; FeatStart = FeatEnd; FeatEnd = temp;      // for use below
00119                 }
00121                 // check on bounds
00122                 if(FeatStart > m_RoadLength || FeatEnd > m_RoadLength)
00123                 {
00124                         strMessage.Format("Feature %d: Starts or ends outside the road length.", i+1);
00125                         nID = IDC_GRID;
00126                         return;
00127                 }
00129                 int FeatType = pFeat->getType();        // for further use
00130                 // check on values
00131                 if(FeatType == FEAT_GRADIENT && pFeat->getValue() > MAX_SLOPE)
00132                 {
00133                         strMessage.Format("Feature %d: Gradient specified is greater \nthan the maximum of %d%%.", i+1, MAX_SLOPE);
00134                         nID = IDC_GRID;
00135                         return;
00136                 }
00138                 double speed_limit = pFeat->getValue()*M_PER_S_TO_KM_PER_H;
00139                 if(FeatType == FEAT_SPEEDLIMIT && speed_limit < SPEEDLIMIT_MIN)
00140                 {
00141                         strMessage.Format("Feature %d: Speed limit specified is smaller \nthan the minimum of %d km/h.", i+1, SPEEDLIMIT_MIN);
00142                         nID = IDC_GRID;
00143                         return;
00144                 }
00146                 if(FeatType == FEAT_SPEEDLIMIT && speed_limit > SPEEDLIMIT_MAX)
00147                 {
00148                         strMessage.Format("Feature %d: Speed limit specified is greater \nthan the maximum of %d km/h.", i+1, SPEEDLIMIT_MAX);
00149                         nID = IDC_GRID;
00150                         return;
00151                 }
00153                 bool FeatDirPos = pFeat->getDirPos();
00154                 // check on overlaps
00155                 for(int j = 0; j < nFeats; j++) // because they are not sorted
00156                 {
00157                         if( j != i)     // better than j++ which causes bounds problem
00158                         {
00159                                 CRoadFeature *pFeatJ = reinterpret_cast<CRoadFeature*>(m_vRoadFeatures.GetAt(j));
00161                                 // if the same type and same direction
00162                                 if(FeatType == pFeatJ->getType() && FeatDirPos == pFeatJ->getDirPos())  
00163                                 {
00164                                         int FeatJStart = pFeatJ->getStart();
00165                                         int FeatJEnd = pFeatJ->getEnd();
00166                                         if( (FeatStart > FeatJStart && FeatEnd < FeatJEnd) ||   // complete overlap or iFeat starts before jFeat ends
00167                                                 (FeatJStart > FeatStart && FeatJStart < FeatEnd) )      // iFeat ends after jFeat starts
00168                                         {
00169                                                 strMessage.Format("Feature %d overlaps with Feature %d \n- change start and end points.", i+1, j+1);
00170                                                 nID = IDC_GRID;
00171                                                 return;
00172                                         }
00173                                 }
00174                         } // end of if j != i
00175                 }
00176         } // end of main for loop
00178 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CRoadFeaturesDlg::DoDataExchange ( CDataExchange *  pDX  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 53 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References IDC_GRID, and m_Grid.

00054 {
00055         CDialogExt::DoDataExchange(pDX);
00056         //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CRoadFeaturesDlg)
00057         DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_GRID, m_Grid);             // associate the grid window with a C++ object
00058         //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
00059 }

BOOL CRoadFeaturesDlg::OnInitDialog (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 73 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References LoadFeaturesIntoGrid(), m_Grid, m_nCols, m_nFixCols, m_nFixRows, m_NoFeatures, m_nRows, m_vRoadFeatures, SetCells(), and SetGridHeadings().

00074 {
00075         CDialogExt::OnInitDialog();
00077         // init rows
00078         m_NoFeatures = m_vRoadFeatures.GetSize();
00079         m_nRows = m_nFixRows + m_NoFeatures;
00081         TRY {
00082                 m_Grid.SetRowCount(m_nRows);
00083                 m_Grid.SetColumnCount(m_nCols);
00084                 m_Grid.SetFixedRowCount(m_nFixRows);
00085                 m_Grid.SetFixedColumnCount(m_nFixCols);
00086         }
00087         CATCH (CMemoryException, e)
00088         {
00089                 e->ReportError();
00090                 return FALSE;
00091         }
00092         END_CATCH
00094         SetGridHeadings();
00095         SetCells(false);        // false because not addition or detletion
00096         m_Grid.ExpandColumnsToFit();    
00098         LoadFeaturesIntoGrid();
00100         return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control
00101 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CRoadFeaturesDlg::OnBtnAddfeat (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 277 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References LoadFeaturesIntoGrid(), m_NoFeatures, m_vRoadFeatures, and SetCells().

00278 {
00279         // Add the feature to the vector
00280         m_NoFeatures++;
00281         CRoadFeature* pFeat = new CRoadFeature; // create one to use
00282         m_vRoadFeatures.Add(pFeat);
00284         // add a row to the table
00285         SetCells(true);
00286         LoadFeaturesIntoGrid(); 
00287 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CRoadFeaturesDlg::OnBtnDelfeat (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 289 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References LoadFeaturesIntoGrid(), m_NoFeatures, m_vRoadFeatures, and SetCells().

00290 {
00291         if(m_NoFeatures != 0)
00292         {
00293                 // Get the ptr and remove from the vector
00294                 CRoadFeature* pFeat = reinterpret_cast<CRoadFeature*>(m_vRoadFeatures.GetAt(m_NoFeatures-1));
00295                 m_vRoadFeatures.RemoveAt( m_NoFeatures-1 );
00297                 delete pFeat;   // remove feature from heap
00298                 m_NoFeatures--; // decrement only now
00300                 // update the table
00301                 SetCells(true);
00302                 LoadFeaturesIntoGrid();
00303         }
00304         else
00305                 MessageBox("No road feature to delete.", "EvolveTraffic", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING);
00306 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CRoadFeaturesDlg::OnGridEndEdit ( NMHDR *  pNotifyStruct,
LRESULT *  pResult 
) [protected]

Definition at line 309 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References m_Grid, m_nFixRows, and SetParamData().

00310 {
00311         // if change is ok, then *pResult 0, else *pResult -1
00313         // pItem is the cell that has just been edited
00314     NM_GRIDVIEW* pItem = (NM_GRIDVIEW*) pNotifyStruct;
00316     int row = pItem->iRow;      int col = pItem->iColumn;
00318         if(col < 2 + m_nFixRows )       // is the type or direction column
00319         {
00320                 CString strCell = m_Grid.GetCell(row,col)->GetText();
00321                 if(strCell != "")
00322                 {
00323                         // data is ok
00324                         SetParamData(row,col,strCell);
00325                         *pResult = 0;
00326                 }       
00327                 else
00328                         *pResult = -1;
00329         }
00330         else
00331         {
00332                 // no need to verify CNumericCells since will always be a number
00333                 // even deleting a cell's data results in a zero
00334                 double val = ((CGridCellNumeric *)(m_Grid.GetCell(row,col)))->GetNumber();
00335                 SetParamData(row,col,val);
00336                 *pResult = 0;
00337         }
00339 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

WORD CRoadFeaturesDlg::MapStringToType ( CString  str  )  [private]

Definition at line 392 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References FEAT_GRADIENT, FEAT_SPEEDLIMIT, and m_sFeatureTypes.

Referenced by SetParamData().

00393 {
00394         // Note this function reqires the order of the types 
00395         // to not change
00396         int i = 0;
00397         while(str != m_sFeatureTypes.GetAt(i))
00398                 i++;
00400         switch(i)
00401         {
00402                 case 0:         return FEAT_SPEEDLIMIT;
00403                 case 1:         return FEAT_GRADIENT;
00404                 default:        return FEAT_SPEEDLIMIT;
00405         }
00406 }

void CRoadFeaturesDlg::SetParamData ( int  row,
int  col,
double  val 
) [private]

Definition at line 358 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References FEAT_SPEEDLIMIT, CRoadFeature::getType(), KM_PER_H_TO_M_PER_S, m_nFixRows, m_vRoadFeatures, CRoadFeature::setEnd(), CRoadFeature::setStart(), and CRoadFeature::setValue().

Referenced by OnGridEndEdit().

00359 {
00360         CRoadFeature* pFeat = reinterpret_cast<CRoadFeature*>(m_vRoadFeatures[row-m_nFixRows]);
00362         switch(col)
00363         {
00364                 case 3:
00365                         pFeat->setStart( (int)val );
00366                         break;
00367                 case 4:
00368                         pFeat->setEnd( (int)val );
00369                         break;
00370                 case 5:
00371                         {
00372                                 if(pFeat->getType() == FEAT_SPEEDLIMIT)
00373                                         val = val * KM_PER_H_TO_M_PER_S;        // note the unit conversion done close to GUI
00374                                 pFeat->setValue( val );
00375                                 break;
00376                         }
00377                 default:
00378                         pFeat->setValue( val );
00379         }
00380 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CRoadFeaturesDlg::SetParamData ( int  row,
int  col,
CString  str 
) [private]

Definition at line 341 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References m_nFixCols, m_nFixRows, m_sDirections, m_vRoadFeatures, MapStringToType(), CRoadFeature::setDirPos(), and CRoadFeature::setType().

00342 {
00343         // if it's a string it's either col 1 or 2
00344         CRoadFeature* pFeat = reinterpret_cast<CRoadFeature*>(m_vRoadFeatures[row-m_nFixRows]);
00346         col = col - m_nFixCols;
00348         if(col == 0)            // feature type
00349                 pFeat->setType( MapStringToType(str) );
00351         else if(col == 1)       // direction
00352         {
00353                 bool DirPos = str == m_sDirections.GetAt(0) ? true : false;
00354                 pFeat->setDirPos(DirPos);
00355         }
00356 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

CString CRoadFeaturesDlg::MapTypeToString ( WORD  type  )  [private]

Definition at line 382 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References FEAT_GRADIENT, FEAT_SPEEDLIMIT, and m_sFeatureTypes.

Referenced by LoadFeaturesIntoGrid().

00383 {
00384         switch(type)
00385         {
00386                 case FEAT_SPEEDLIMIT:   return m_sFeatureTypes.GetAt(0);
00387                 case FEAT_GRADIENT:             return m_sFeatureTypes.GetAt(1);
00388                 default:                                return m_sFeatureTypes.GetAt(0);        // speed limit
00389         }
00390 }

void CRoadFeaturesDlg::LoadFeaturesIntoGrid (  )  [private]

Definition at line 246 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References FEAT_SPEEDLIMIT, CRoadFeature::getDirPos(), CRoadFeature::getEnd(), CRoadFeature::getStart(), CRoadFeature::getType(), CRoadFeature::getValue(), m_Grid, m_nFixCols, m_nFixRows, m_NoFeatures, M_PER_S_TO_KM_PER_H, m_sDirections, m_vRoadFeatures, and MapTypeToString().

Referenced by OnBtnAddfeat(), OnBtnDelfeat(), and OnInitDialog().

00247 {
00248         for(int i = 0; i < m_NoFeatures; i++)
00249         {
00250                 int col = m_nFixCols;
00251                 int row = m_nFixRows + i;
00252                 CRoadFeature* pFeat = reinterpret_cast<CRoadFeature*>(m_vRoadFeatures[i]);
00254                 CString txt = MapTypeToString( pFeat->getType() );
00255                 m_Grid.SetItemText(row,col,txt);
00257                 // get direction text
00258                 txt = pFeat->getDirPos() == true ? m_sDirections.GetAt(0) : m_sDirections.GetAt(1);
00259                 m_Grid.SetItemText(row,col+1,txt);
00261                 CGridCellNumeric* pCell1 = (CGridCellNumeric *)(m_Grid.GetCell(row,col+2));
00262                 CGridCellNumeric* pCell2 = (CGridCellNumeric *)(m_Grid.GetCell(row,col+3));
00263                 CGridCellNumeric* pCell3 = (CGridCellNumeric *)(m_Grid.GetCell(row,col+4));
00264                 pCell1->SetNumber( pFeat->getStart() );
00265                 pCell2->SetNumber( pFeat->getEnd() );
00267                 double val = pFeat->getValue();
00268                 if(pFeat->getType() == FEAT_SPEEDLIMIT)
00269                         val = val * M_PER_S_TO_KM_PER_H;        // note the unit conversion done close to GUI
00271                 pCell3->SetNumber( val );
00272         }
00273         m_Grid.AutoSizeRows();
00274         m_Grid.Invalidate();
00275 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CRoadFeaturesDlg::SetCells ( bool  bAddDelete  )  [private]

Definition at line 199 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References m_Grid, m_nCols, m_nFixCols, m_nFixRows, m_NoFeatures, m_nRows, m_sDirections, m_sFeatureTypes, and m_vRoadFeatures.

Referenced by OnBtnAddfeat(), OnBtnDelfeat(), and OnInitDialog().

00200 {
00201         // these lines are for the resizing of the rows due to addtions/deletions
00202         if(bAddDelete)
00203         {
00204                 m_NoFeatures = m_vRoadFeatures.GetSize();
00205                 m_nRows = m_nFixRows + m_NoFeatures;
00206                 m_Grid.SetRowCount(m_nRows);
00207                 // update row headings
00208                 for(int row = m_nFixRows; row < m_nRows; row++)
00209                 {
00210                         CString str;
00211                         str.Format("Feature %d", row);
00212                         m_Grid.SetItemText(row,0,str);
00213                 }
00214         }
00216         for (int row = m_nFixRows; row < m_nRows; row++)
00217         {
00218                 int col = 1;    // Do Feature-type drop down
00219                 m_Grid.SetCellType(row,col, RUNTIME_CLASS(CGridCellCombo));     
00220             CGridCellCombo *pCell = (CGridCellCombo*) m_Grid.GetCell(row,col);
00221                 pCell->SetOptions(m_sFeatureTypes);
00222                 pCell->SetStyle(CBS_DROPDOWNLIST);
00224                 col = 2;                // Do directions drop down
00225                 m_Grid.SetCellType(row,col, RUNTIME_CLASS(CGridCellCombo));     
00226             pCell = (CGridCellCombo*) m_Grid.GetCell(row,col);
00227                 pCell->SetOptions(m_sDirections);
00228                 pCell->SetStyle(CBS_DROPDOWNLIST);
00229         }
00231         for (row = m_nFixRows; row < m_nRows; row++)
00232         {
00233                 for (int col = m_nFixCols+2; col < m_nCols; col++)
00234                 {
00235                         m_Grid.SetCellType(row,col, RUNTIME_CLASS(CGridCellNumeric));
00236                         m_Grid.GetCell(row,col)->SetFormat(DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_NOPREFIX|DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
00237                         CGridCellNumeric *pCell = (CGridCellNumeric*)m_Grid.GetCell(row,col);
00238                         if(col == m_nCols - 1)
00239                                 pCell->SetFlags(CGridCellNumeric::Real | CGridCellNumeric::Negative);   // last column is double or neg
00240                         else
00241                                 pCell->SetFlags(CGridCellNumeric::Integer);     // all others are positive int
00242                 }
00243         }
00244 }

void CRoadFeaturesDlg::SetGridHeadings (  )  [private]

Definition at line 180 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.cpp.

References m_Grid, m_nCols, m_nFixRows, m_nRows, and m_sColumnHeaders.

Referenced by OnInitDialog().

00181 {
00182         int row = 0;
00183         int col = 0;
00185         // Set fixed column text
00186         for (col = 1; col < m_nCols; col++)
00187                 m_Grid.SetItemText(row,col,m_sColumnHeaders.GetAt(col-1));
00189         // Set fixed row text
00190         col = 0;
00191         for(row = m_nFixRows; row < m_nRows; row++)
00192         {
00193                 CString str;
00194                 str.Format("Feature %d", row);
00195                 m_Grid.SetItemText(row,col,str);
00196         }
00197 }

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 23 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.h.

Referenced by CEvolveTrafficView::OnConfigFeatures(), and OnValidate().

Definition at line 31 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.h.

Referenced by CRoadFeaturesDlg(), OnInitDialog(), SetCells(), and SetGridHeadings().

Definition at line 32 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.h.

Referenced by OnInitDialog(), SetCells(), and SetGridHeadings().

CStringArray CRoadFeaturesDlg::m_sDirections [private]

Definition at line 68 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.h.

Referenced by CRoadFeaturesDlg(), LoadFeaturesIntoGrid(), SetCells(), and SetParamData().

CStringArray CRoadFeaturesDlg::m_sFeatureTypes [private]

Definition at line 69 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.h.

Referenced by CRoadFeaturesDlg(), MapStringToType(), MapTypeToString(), and SetCells().

CStringArray CRoadFeaturesDlg::m_sColumnHeaders [private]

Definition at line 70 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.h.

Referenced by CRoadFeaturesDlg(), and SetGridHeadings().

Definition at line 72 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.h.

Referenced by CRoadFeaturesDlg(), and OnValidate().

Definition at line 73 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.h.

Referenced by CRoadFeaturesDlg(), and OnValidate().

Definition at line 74 of file RoadFeaturesDlg.h.

Referenced by CRoadFeaturesDlg(), and OnValidate().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Wed Aug 20 00:48:46 2008 for EvolveTraffic by  doxygen 1.5.6