Structural Engineering, Bridge Research, Programming, and more…

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Project III – Submission Time Changed

2 May, 2009 (16:28) | General | No comments

The submission time for the Project III Building Design Case Study is  one hour ealrier at 9am on Thursday 7 May. This is to provide adequate time to interview all students.

DIT Lunchtime Talk on PostGrad Options

26 March, 2009 (23:50) | General | No comments

Update: This talk has been post-poned until Wednesday 6 May, 13:15-14:00 in Rm 249. There will be a lunchtime information talk on all aspects of post-graduate study on Wednesday, 1 April, 13:15-14:00 in Rm 259, aimed at civil and structural engineering students. The talk will cover reasons for doing a postgrad, financing, available projects in DIT, and […]

DIT Postgraduate Evening & Opportunities

6 March, 2009 (00:26) | Engineering, Research | 1 comment

DIT’s annual Postgraduate Open Evening will take place on 11th March, 2009 from 3pm-7.30pm in the atrium in DIT Aungier Street. Prospective students can review the projects that are availabel to do research on, and subsequently make an application for funding to carry out that project. Potential supervisors typically assist the candidate closely, as it […]

The Economic Importance of Engineers

13 February, 2009 (18:03) | Engineering, General | 2 comments

Given that the current times are resulting in an unprecedented layoff of highly qualified, skilled, and experience engineers (civil and structural in particular), it is essential that the contribution of engineers to the economy is not overlooked. On this point, James Dyson’s recent interview on Newstalk’s The Right Hook is thus required listening and is […]

Postgraduate Research – A Timely Choice

29 January, 2009 (21:27) | Engineering, Research | 1 comment

For the graduates of 2009, postgraduate study should be a real option as the next step in their careers. Given the current conditions in the domestic and international construction industry, postgraduate research provides both a regular (albeit modest) income, a challenging and stimulating working environment, and not least is an investment for both your own, […]

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