Structural Engineering, Bridge Research, Programming, and more…

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Dissertation Section

15 May, 2008 (01:30) | Research | No comments

Rather than having to download the full 18.7 MB, this re-vamped section of the website outlines the research carried out for my PhD. The abstract is here, which gives a brief outline whilst a little more information on the particular aspects of the problem are outlined here.

In Memorium – Joe O’Donovan

13 May, 2008 (04:30) | General | No comments

Sadly Joe O’Donovan, co-founder and Chairman of Rough & O’Donovan Consulting Engineers, passed away at the weekend. From the ROD website: A favourite quote of Joe’s was the epitaph on the tomb of Sir Christopher Wren “lecteur, Si Monumentum Requiris Circumspice” which translates “reader, if you seek his monument, look around”. Joe’s monuments, I’m sure […]


11 May, 2008 (20:45) | General | No comments

I’ve been updating the site content lately so there is plenty to check out.

PhD Thesis

10 May, 2008 (04:00) | Engineering, Research | No comments

My PhD thesis is available for download as a pdf here (18.7 MB). It’s called Probabilistic Analysis of Highway Bridge Traffic Loading and generally does exactly what it says on the tin. I carried out he work under the supervision of Prof. Eugene O’Brien at University College Dublin, and I was examined by Prof. Enrique […]


10 May, 2008 (02:40) | General | No comments

At last! My long-threatened revamp to my website is under way. I’m moving the old, crappy, Frontpage-spawned, static, hard-to-update, discouraging website to this shiny new WordPress bloggy-type thingy. It’s really easy to maintain so I’ve no doubt I’ll have all the content up soon that I’ve been threatening to put up. I’m from Dublin, Ireland […]

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