Structural Engineering, Bridge Research, Programming, and more…

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More Programs Updates

24 May, 2008 (12:47) | Programming | No comments

The two main programs that I’ve developed in Visual Basic are now available here: FEBeam: a finite element beam analysis package; TrussMaster: a truss analysis package. These programs are close to fully-fledged but there are still some rough edges. Also made available are: TrussGenerator: an auxilliary program to TrussMaster; Steel Section DB: a steel sections […]

Programs Updated

22 May, 2008 (17:21) | Programming | No comments

The C++ section of the website has been updated with many small programs available for download: Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm; Runge-Kutta, 4th order program; Generalized Extreme Value distribution fitting program; Machine Epsilon calculator; Matrix class based on STL; Monte Carlo calculation of pi; Square root of a matrix program; Steelbeam analysis program. The Visual Basic section […]

MultiFeedSnap – Moved

19 May, 2008 (19:04) | Programming |

The WordPress plugin MultiFeedSnap has nicely proved to be quite popular. Consequently, I’ve moved it to its own page, rather than try maintain it as a post. The page is here. Please post any comments or queires you have at that page. Thanks to those who are checking it out. The WordPress downloads chart

Why We Research

16 May, 2008 (23:08) | Engineering, Research | No comments

Research into bridge loading applies existing science and techniques to solve what is quite obviously a practical problem. Even so, I’m often asked what good is the research, and “sure isn’t that all known about already?”. Those involved in pure blue-skies research must have it much worse than I do. In reading Petr Beckman‘s A […]

Presentations Added

16 May, 2008 (18:09) | General | No comments

Presentations on research papers and general structural engineering topics that I’ve made are now available here. There’s also a presentation made to 5th and 6th year second-level students during maths week, October 2007. The presentations are all in PDF format so some animation effects are missing, but such is life.

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